Wireless Communication & Network
Maintenance and troubleshooting of 2G, 3G and 4G cellular communication networks
Optical Communication & Network
Planning, maintenance and troubleshooting of optical communications, FTTx, GPON, etc.
Advanced Learning
Telecommunication studies such as networks, analog and digital waves with different aspects
Welcome to the website of the Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering Study Program – Telkom University Jakarta Campus.
The Telecommunication Engineering Undergraduate Study Program provides quality education supported by superior research and community service programs in the scientific field (scientific vision) of Telecommunications. Forming superior people with the character of HEI as Telkom University’s Culture Based Education, thereby producing graduates who are superior and competitive, both at national and international levels.
With the very rapid development of the telecommunications sector, the industry and demand for services in the telecommunications sector will grow rapidly in line with the demands of the information age. To anticipate these developments, it is necessary to prepare sufficient human resources, both in terms of quantity and quality, that meet a recognized competency standard.
In developing and planning the curriculum for the Telecommunication Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, the vision and mission of the Study Program are determined by referring to the vision and mission of Telkom University and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE), so that the qualifications and competencies of the graduates that will be produced can be determined.
Hopefully this website can be an information guide about the Telecommunication Engineering Undergraduate Study Program – Telkom University, Jakarta Campus
Kamelia, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
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